Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND LLC
Naturopathic Doctor
Nurturing Your Health and Wellness
About the Recipe
This meal is a year-round staple at my house and has become comfort food for both myself and my husband.
I love this recipe because it supports healthy bone density by providing:
- A good source of plant based calcium
- 1.3 g of omega-3 fatty acids that lower inflammation and reduce joint pain
- 175% of your daily manganese which supports cartilage formation
- 23g of protein to promote muscle growth which helps to stabilize our joints
- 1/3 of our daily Vitamin K, which signals to calcium that it should deposit in the bone not the arteries
Nutrition Facts: 550cal / serving, 23g Protein, 8g Fiber, 45g net Carbohydrate, 6g Sugar, 30g Fat, Trans fat 0

2 Large Zucchini, halved and thinly sliced
3 Large Carrots, peeled lengthwise
6 Stalks of Asparagus, diced
2 Green onions, diced
1, 12oz brick of Tofu, drained, pressed & cubed
4 Tbsp Tamari or Low Sodium Soy Sauce
1 1/2 tsp Garlic, minced
1 tbsp Ginger, freshly & finely grated
1 1/4 cup of Wild Brown Rice
2 1/2 cups of Water
3 Tbsp Avocado oil
3 Tbsp of White Wine Vinegar
Add rice and water to a medium sized sauce pot. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce to a simmer for 15 minutes.
While rice is cooking, prepare all other ingredients. Slice zucchini, peel carrots, dice asparagus, mince garlic, grate ginger, and dice green onion.
Drain tofu and wrap brick in a cheese cloth or kitchen towels. Place the wrapped tofu between two small plates with a can or other weight on the top plate to encourage as much water as possbile to be released from the tofu. See video:
Add diced green onion to a small bowl with white wine vinegar. Set aside and allow this mixture to marinate until ready to serve.
Mix 2 tbsp of avocado oil and soy sauce together in a small bowl. Set aside for now.
Add 1 tsp of avocado oil to a large pan. Add sliced zucchini and allow to cook on medium high heat for approximately 10 minutes. Stir occasionally until sides are soft and slightly browned. Once finished, remove from the heat and set aside until you are ready for plating.
Remove tofu from cheese cloth, and dice into 1/2 inch cubes. Add cubed tofu to the bowl of avocado oil and soy sauce. Add minced garlic and grated ginger to the bowl & mix. Allow this mixture to marinate until the end of cooking step 4.
Add 1 tsp of avocado oil to a large pan. Add peeled carrots and asparagus. Cook these together on medium high heat for approximately 10 minutes, mixing occasionally. Once finished, remove from the heat and set aside until you are ready for plating.
Add 1 tsp of avocado oil to a large pan. Add marinated tofu and cook on medium high heat for 8-10 minutes. Flip tofu after 5-minutes and remove once browned on both sides.
Add 1/2 - 3/4 cup of rice to each bowl
Evenly add zucchini, carrots & asparagus, and tofu to the top of each bowl
Add 1/4 of the soaked green onions to garnish, and drizzle vinegar to the top of all fixings
Serve and enjoy!