Aidanne MacDonald-Milewski, ND LLC
Naturopathic Doctor
Nurturing Your Health and Wellness
About the Recipe
I really like this recipe as it is quick, easy, and high reward for the preparation it takes. You can make it in bulk which saves time during a busy week, and it pairs nicely with chopped veggies for a mid-day snack. It is a good source of protein, fiber and healthy fats with the avocado oil. Black beans are also a good source of dietary iron, calcium and potassium. Want help your body absorb the iron in this dip? Add a squeeze of lime juice to the top as this provides vitamin C that helps with iron absorption - Enjoy!

2, 15oz cans of organic black beans drained and rinsed
1/4 - 1/2 tsp of minced garlic
1/4 tsp of himalaya sea salt
Cayanne pepper to taste
2 tbsp of avocado oil
2 cans worth of water
Add rinsed beans to a medium sauce pan on medium-high heat.
Add 2 cans worth of tap water to the sauce pan.
Once water boils, bring to a simmer.
Use a potato masher or wooden spoon to mash the beans.
Stir mashed beans until mostly smooth. There will likely be some unmashed that remain.
Stir in oil, salt, garlic and cayanne.
Take off heat, add to serving dish and enjoy after cooling for 5-10 minutes!